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Author page: Constanza Barrientos

“Valdivia is fundamental to Antarctic science”: PhD. Kristin O’Brien of the University of Alaska Fairbanks

The capital of the Los Ríos region becomes a crucial place for researching the resistance of Antarctic fish to hypoxia induced by climate change. Alaska researcher PhD. Kristin O'Brien and chilean researcher PhD. Luis Vargas-Chacoff are collaborating to find conservation responses and strategies to this challenge. PhD. Kristin O’Brien University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). Photo: BASE…

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Franco-Chilean collaboration seeks to monitor exotic species on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic coasts

The project led by the BASE Millennium Institute of Chile and the University of Burgundy of Dijon, France, seeks to establish a coastal observation network to identify exotic species present in marine ecosystems and promote international collaboration and knowledge exchange. Patagonia, Kerguelen islands and the Antarctic peninsula are the regions whose coasts will be monitored by…

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BASE Millennium Institue opens public postdoctoral competition

The vacancy is available for chileans and foreigners with an academic degree of Doctor in accredited national programs or their foreign equivalents, in disciplines relevant to the required profile. Applications will be open until April 30, 2024. The Biodiversity Institute of Antarctic and Subantarctic Ecosystems (BASE) seeks to provide a postdoctoral scientific position in Niche Models…

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Chile detects positive cases of avian flu in penguins, shags and skuas in Antarctica

Punta Arenas, March 2024.- Earlier this week, Chile announced the detection of positive cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) in Antarctica, during the LX Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ECA 60) organized by the Institute Chilean Antarctic (INACH). BASE Millennium Institute team in Antarctica, monitoring penguin colony. Photo: StudioPONANT / Morgane Monneret For the first time, positive cases…

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What happens in Antarctica does not stay in Antarctica

The alternate director of the Millennium BASE Institute, Julieta Orlando, emphasized the significance of the white continent for the planet, during a keynote talk organized by the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the Universidad Católica del Maule. BASE Millenium Institute associate researcher, PhD. Hugo Benítez, and alternate director of the BASE Millennium Institute, PhD.…

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New Zealand: BASE Millennium Institute delegation present at XIII SCAR Biology Symposium 2023

Five researchers from Punta Arenas, Valdivia and Santiago from the Millennium Institute Biodiversity of Antarctic and Subantarctic ecosystems (BASE) and the Universities of Magallanes, University Austral of Chile, and University of Chile, presented their scientific advances at the prestigious SCAR Biology Symposium held until the 4 August in the city of Christchurch. Principal…

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The Chilean Congress of Antarctic Research returns to Punta Arenas

From October 24 to 26, 2023, more than a hundred scientific teams will meet at the Teaching and Research Assistance Center of the University of Magallanes (CADI-UMAG). Human footprints in Antarctica, biotechnology, climate change and international Antarctic law are part of the event's themes. Punta Arenas, June 2, 2023.- With the motto "Interdiscipline, Science and Future…

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“The key role of marine algae”: prominent New Zealand researcher gives a talk to UACh students

In collaboration with PhD. Claudio González-Wevar, principal investigator of the Millennium Biodiversity Institute of Antarctic and Subantarctic Ecosystems (BASE), PhD. Hamish Spencer came to Valdivia to address the students of the Faculty of Sciences of the Austral University of Chile (UACh). PhD. Hamish Spencer and PhD. Claudio González-Wevar, at the UACh Faculty of Sciences. Photo: BASE…

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Podcast from Patagonia: “Bitácora antártica” invites to reflect on Climate Change and transdiscipline

The project promoted from the Magallanes region by the Patagonian Institute of Cultural Studies (INPAEC), in collaboration with researchers from the BASE Millennium Institute, is now available on Spotify, Ivoox and the INPAEC YouTube channel. "Bitácora Antártica" (Antarctic Logbook) is the name of the new scientific outreach podcast that seeks to reflect on Antarctica from the…

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