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PhD. Máximo Frangopulos

  • Graduate in Biological Sciences, University of Magallanes, Chile, 1995.
  • Doctorate in Biology of organisms and ecosystems,University  of Vigo, Spain, 2002.
  • University of Magallanes.
  • Associate Researcher at Cape Horn International Center for Global Change Studies and Biocultural Conservation (CHIC)
  • Biological Oceanography
  • Harmful Algal Blooms
  • Red Tides
  • Marine toxins
  • Chemical acidification of carbonates
  • Ecology
  • Marine biology
  • Natural Resources Management and Conservation
  • Torres R; Reid B; Frangópulos M; Alarcón E; Márquez M; Haussermann V; Försterra G; Pizarro G; Iriarte J; González H. 2020. Effects of freshwater runoff on biogenic silicate and chlorophyll-A production in the western Patagonian archipelago (50-51°S). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.
  • Pizarro G; Paz B; Alarcón C; Toro C; Frangópulos M; Salgado P; Olave C; Zamora C; Pacheco H & Guzman L. 2018. Winter distribution of toxic and potentially toxic phytoplankton and shellfish toxins in fjords and channels of the Aysén region, Chile. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research.
  • Torres R; Silva N; Reid B; Frangópulos M. 2014. Silicic acid enrichment of subantarctic surface water from continental inlets along the interior sea of the Patagonian archipelago (41°-56°s). Progress in Oceanography.
  • Spyrakos E; Frangópulos M; Barreiro A; Guisanda C. 2013. Modeling of the transfer and accumulation of paralytic shellfish toxins (psts) in populations of two planktonic grazers. Harmful Algae.
  • Garrido C; Frangópulos M; Varela D. 2012. Effect of different nitrogen/phosphorus ratios on the growth and toxicity of Alexandrium catenella (dinoflagellata). Channels of the Institute of Patagonia.